favorite cities 🌐

button for owlhari

currently: unemployed but vibing

listening to: 실리카겔

fixating on: ceramics

hiii, i'm mini! i'm a content strategist by day, and internet dweller by night. i was recently introduced to neocities by my partner earlier this year (2023), and after spending endless hours scrolling through different neocities, i was reminded of the internet i grew up with in the early 2000s and 2010s. i was simply enamored by everyone's spaces- how personal they are yet so mysterious at the same time, and that inspired me to make my own lil corner of the internet! 🥹

while my skills in html and css are subpar at best, i'm trying something new and trying to give myself grace for it!

some things you'll see during your time in my corner:

  • lots and LOTS of random changes while i'm trying to make this space my own
  • walls of text reflecting my thoughts, feelings, and things i'm experiencing (i'm a writer by nature)
  • lots of photography!
  • i really hope you enjoy your time here ✨


    idk what to put here yet but we'll figure it out

    lorem ipsum

    lorem ipsum

    lorem ipsum


    i've been jobless since august, and while living off of severance is nice, it doesn't last forever. i'm feeling really overwhelmed with the idea of working a 9-5 again, and worked on creating a media kit to collaborate with brands to try (and hopefully) make a living by creating content. i'm trying to figure out framer to create a ugc portfolio, but it's been really challenging to learn a new product that i basically know nothing about. the current internet is so hard to navigate and i'm growing increasingly resentful of it


    added a rly cute counter and a blinkie banner! the counter website was so hard to navigate BUT i did it hehehe #smallwin


    literally went down the neocities loophole and added a bunch of links in the left column, finished my status box, making lil design tweaks and rummaging the web for assets and inspiration.


    finally figured out tables again after forgetting, wahooooo! been listening to all of my favorite tunes today, mostly bc my partner has been playing all of my favorite music all day. it's our anniversary and it was so nice to hang out with him and eat french fries and udon for dinner (even though we literally bought groceries earlier this week lol


    i got really frustrated with coding so i kinda gave up but that's ok. sometimes you need to take a break, and i figured that i'm literally just doing this for myself anyway.


    holy shit neocities is fucking amazing?! there are so many people who are so incredibly talented here and i can't wait to finally learn how to bring my ideas to life.